Forum online, start talking about Minecraft now!
- Total Time Spent Online:
- 2 days, 23 hours and 35 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 464 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 33 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 6 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 88 votes
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- Offtopic board
48 posts of the member's 464 posts (10.34%)48
- Algemeen
40 posts of the member's 464 posts (8.62%)40
- Projects
34 posts of the member's 464 posts (7.33%)34
- Meeting
22 posts of the member's 464 posts (4.74%)22
- Nieuws board
14 posts of the member's 464 posts (3.02%)14
- Support
11 posts of the member's 464 posts (2.37%)11
- Meeting 3.0 [Winter 2013]
11 posts of the member's 464 posts (2.37%)11
- Sollicitatie voor member
5 posts of the member's 464 posts (1.08%)5
- Creative
2 posts of the member's 464 posts (0.43%)2
- Algemeen
40 posts of the board's 408 posts (9.80%)9,80%
- Meeting
22 posts of the board's 266 posts (8.27%)8,27%
- Support
11 posts of the board's 161 posts (6.83%)6,83%
- Nieuws board
14 posts of the board's 221 posts (6.33%)6,33%
- Offtopic board
48 posts of the board's 816 posts (5.88%)5,88%
- Projects
34 posts of the board's 662 posts (5.14%)5,14%
- Creative
2 posts of the board's 39 posts (5.13%)5,13%
- Sollicitatie voor member
5 posts of the board's 100 posts (5.00%)5,00%
- Meeting 3.0 [Winter 2013]
11 posts of the board's 298 posts (3.69%)3,69%
- Games
15 posts of the board's 1176 posts (1.28%)1,28%